A digital media player is rare, like a rare coin, and in laptops’ industry these rare items are mini-laptops. Good things come in small packages and it’s a great idea to squeeze the best out of a laptop and put it into a smaller package, with a smaller price. There was a period when the smallest and lightest laptops had a bigger price than normal laptops has, and the best example is Lenovo’s ThinkPad X300 or Apple’s MacBook Air, which both weigh 3 pouns and are sold between $2,500 and $3,000. This is changing now.
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The new generation of tiny laptops, which have various names, like mini-laptops, subnotebooks, ultrasmall laptops, netbooks, and maybe tomorrow there will appear more names for them, weigh less than 3 pounds and they cost less than $500. By 2012 the forecast about sold mini laptops is somewhere around 9 million, and today the circumstances are like this: 500,000 mini notebooks sold in 2008. The market should grow up to $3 billion.

The latest minis available are the HP 2133 Mini Note Pc, the Acer Aspire, the Asus Eee PC 1000 and the Sylvanica G Notebook. They all have webcams, WiFi and they can work with most of the files, but they are with one step behind of today’s systems. None has CD or DVD, and a the screens are quite small. They keyboards might be challenging for adults, and the systems prove that the storage capacity is quite small since they have small hard drives or small amounts of flash memory. The real lack, notified by everyone is that they miss familiar operating systems, like Windows or MAc OS X. While Windows is an option on many models, others just choose Linux because of its low price and common hardware requirements.


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